Thursday, 30 September 2010


A jump cut is something which breaks the illusion of continuity. It’s a contrast to continuity editing as continuity editing aims to give the appearance of continuous time and space in the story-world by making the editing seamless. A jump cut is quite the opposite as shows the seems and tries to make the scene more hectic it doesn't try to hide the edit it trys to show you it.have a look at my attempt of jump cuts

my one is a poor attempt of using jump cuts ,the first 2 jumps were very easy to see but the next jump was comleatly diffrent as it switched from a close mid shot to a midshot and also the angle of the camera changed . so when you have a look at the whole clip the second jumps werent as obvious as the first two. all thoes things masked the jump if you look at the video bellow of a clip from trainspotting in which one of the character (spud) in getting interviewed. as you see its a wide shot of him in the middle of the room sitting in a chair and you see the shot going in and out (jumping). the director Danny Boyle did this to show how agitated (spud) was . as you see the jumps went well with how the scene was. sometimes a director would use jump cuts to make a scene more fast paced as you can see in the clip bellow, you can see the mood is also enhanced by the jump cuts, what I mean by that is its more exiting. its as if your on drugs exactly like the character.

There are some drawbacks to using jump cuts and the main one is that the audience may feel its jarring and also confusing to them if its used to much aprt from that its a great technique to have to get a reaction out of people.

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