Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Parallel editing

Parallel editing is an editing technique that allows two or more concurrent sets of action to unfold within a single film sequence. Film makers use this to show multiple points of view and create dramatic irony when the characters are unaware of events unfolding away from the main action. this was created by D.W Griffith you can see it it in his work.

As you can see 3:27 sec in is when the parallel editing starts ,you see two people coming out of the train and they are the secondary story as the first is the women and the man working inside the station this creates tension as you don't know why they are hiding.

he was also the first to free the camera use parallel editing whiles the camera was moving as you can see 12 minutes in the film you see it cut back and forth from the two moving trains he was the first to create more tension in chase sequences by using this technique

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